It really helped me with my serious menstrual cramps, gone for different tests ,scan and medication. No medication works to relieve d pain. Have been on birth pills drugs ,injection, the pain will always get worst with vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, eye turning me ,shortness of blood ,gone to ghana to see a gynecologist, no different, I started d pills period came with no pain first time in so many years, mind you my period is regular, I'm ovulating, but the pain. At a point I thought maybe is something else ,because the pain was so harsh, now it jan the period came again ,I will just take only paracetamol I'm fine ,even my family were suprised they thought I'm pregnant because they have nt seen me for 2 months in pains, I had to show my mom the period she was amazed just order another 2 bottles, thank u freshcookies lab